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Dad's perspective

I am a single dad with a son who is now 11. He still wets bed due to a bladder condition, which he should outgrow with age. I am a strong believer in parents' rights to decide what is best for their children. I believe that it is a parent's decision what is best for their child. Also when it comes to wearing diapers and plastic pants. And also if it means making decisions that is not accepted by the teenage boy. I have always insisted on diapers and plastic pants. When my son grew older we had a talk, and decided that he should wear a diaper that he could handle himself. It ended up with a pull-up diaper pants (DryNites or GoodNities), depending on what is on sale). As that kind of diaper is quite thin I insisted that he wore a pair of pull-on plastic pants with his diaper. He moaned in the beginning, but I was firm and stood by my decision on plastic pants. And I explained why he had to wear plastic pants too. Now he handles his diapers and plastic pants himself. From time to time I check if he has done it correctly. Especially the fitting of the plastic pants in the crotch was a problem in the beginning. But now the mistakes are rare, and he seems happy with my way of handling his diaper- and plastic pants-issue.




Dad lets son choose

My 12-year-old son and has had bed wetting problems. This year I decided, after discussing it with several other parents and a doctor, that he would be diapered again.  I spoke to him about it and we agreed to try and now he would not have it any other way.  He is diapered every night in small size adult disposables and plastic pants.  He can diaper himself and keep his diapers and plastic pants in his bedroom.  Day time proved a bit of a challenge.  He does not need regular diapers, at least most of the time, but he does need some form of coverage. Depends under plastic pants is one option.  He also tried the absorbent underwear with plastic panties and found it comfortable as the underwear looks as normal underwear for boys his age. I let him choose between the two ways of keeping himself dry.


Not wearing diapers is unsanitary

I have heard parents say that it is okay if an older child, adolescent or teenager does not want to wear diapers to bed provided they take care of the wet clothes and bedding but I think that sends the wrong message. I think it sends the message that it is okay to be unsanitary. It is unsanitary and unhealthy (not to mention uncomfortable) to lie all night in wet sheets and clothing. The following analogy might help. If a youngster has a cut you would have them put on a band-aid in order to prevent blood from getting on their clothes and on other stuff in the house in addition for sanitary reasons. Wearing a diaper to bed should be viewed no differently. The diaper is a band-aid for a bladder control problem. Or if the youngster was going to go out in the rain the parents would see to it that they wear a raincoat or use an umbrella to keep the child from getting wet. All of them are waterproof and all of them serve the function of keeping the individual from getting wet.


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