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About bedwetting

Anatomy of incontinence

The bladder. Your bladder is the storage tank that holds urine and allows its release at the appropriate time. In the wall of this balloon-like organ is a layer of smooth muscle, called the detrusor muscle, which enables the bladder to expand and store the liquid until urination. A man’s bladder is located below his abdomen, between the pubic bone and the rectum.

The urethra. Leading from the bladder to the outside of the body is the urethra, a slim and flexible tube surrounded by smooth muscle. At the junction where the bladder meets the urethra (called the bladder neck), two sets of muscles help hold urine in. The internal urethral sphincter is made up of involuntary muscles that keep a constant pressure on the urethra without conscious effort. The external, or outer, sphincter muscles are under voluntary control. This area is also supported by collagen fibres.

The bladder’s first job is to store urine that has been filtered by the kidneys and delivered through the ureters. Once the bladder is nearly full, the nerves send a signal to the brain. To urinate, you relax the sphincter muscle, and the brain signals the bladder muscle (detrusor) to contract to push the urine out. In women, incontinence typically results from one of three main problems:

(1) the bladder’s detrusor muscle can become unstable or overactive, which can cause urge and frequency incontinence;

(2) the urinary sphincter that normally opens and closes at your command may become weakened, leading to stress incontinence; or

(3) the pelvic muscles (urogenital diaphragm) may be weakened, which can also cause stress incontinence. In men, the urethra is about eight inches long, extending from between the scrotum and rectum to the tip of the penis. Near the bladder, a man’s urethra passes through his prostate gland. The prostate, normally the size of a walnut, helps to support the urethra and helps with continence, but it can also create problems if it enlarges or requires removal or other surgery.

The secret problem

That secrecy about bedwetting makes the situation tougher for kids and parents alike. "Ninety percent of kids think they're the only ones who wet the bed, which makes them feel even worse," says Bennett.

Yet bed-wetting children are far from alone. Though children naturally gain bladder control at night, they do so at different ages. From 5 to 7 million kids wet the bed some or most nights -- with twice as many boys wetting their bed as girls. After age 5, about 15% of children continue to wet the bed, and by age 10, 95% of children are dry at night.

Wet beds leave bad feelings all around. Frustrated parents sometimes conclude a child is wetting the bed out of laziness. Kids worry there's something wrong with them -- especially when teasing siblings chime in. Fear of wetting the bed at a friend's sleepover can create social awkwardness.

For some, bedwetting may be an inevitable part of growing up, but it doesn't have to be traumatic. Understanding bed-wetting's causes is the first step to dealing with this common childhood problem.

Bedwetting stories

Teenage bedwetter

I am 13 years old. I wet the bed nearly every night. I started when I was 11 or 12. Anyway I was put in diapers, pampers size 6. My dad was not happy. He's one of those people who is all about football. Real tough guy.

  I did not like being put back in to diapers it was embarrassing because, well I am a teen. But the good thing is it was kept a secret thank god. My diapers stay in my top drawer.

   I am grateful that I can express my feeling. Thanks. 


Written By: Nick

Wetting, younger brother

I am 16 years old. I wet the bed nearly every night. So does my younger brother, Steve. He is 12. I know that he does, he does not know about my wetting

When my dad works evening shift I get to diaper him and put on his plastic pants. He says that it is much more embarrassing than when dad does it.

I just smile at him, and tell him that he does not have a choice, and if he does not corporate, I will tell dad about it. Then he will be spanked for it, just as I was at his age if I did not obey dad.


Written By: Aaron

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